Dealing with cancer, prolonged hospitalization, tests and difficult treatments, can bring down even the strongest people. Even more so young children, who one day move from a world of carefree childhood to a threatening world of pain, difficulty and fear.
Every year, we accompany hundreds of children with cancer at various stages of their illness and provide them and their families with personal care and close support.
At the forefront of the activities of the Rachashei Lev Organization are the National Service counselors
National Service counselors are daily and continuously with the children in the oncology departments, play with them while receiving chemotherapy, accompany them to radiation treatments and operating rooms, hold their hand during blood tests or while receiving scary injections or medical procedures. They sit next to them at the intensive care unit and stay with them at isolation rooms, making long hospitalizations and difficult treatments easier for children with a smile.
National Service counselors visit the children at home, take them out for fun days, celebrate their birthdays, fulfill their wishes, decorate the oncology department and patients rooms, run creative and cooking workshops, and do everything they can to make the difficult period go by with as many positive experiences, smiles and joy.
National Service counselors, in collaboration with the educational staff, help the children to complete the learning gaps, practice with them the material learned and help them prepare for exams, thus helping to maintain a learning and educational continuum for the children.
The activity of the National Service counselors, the support, the hug and the love they give – gives the children strength and confidence to deal with the difficult treatments that they face and to go through them stronger and recover from it better.
To register as a national service member – go to the Aminadav website, fill out the pre-selection guidance form and register for interviews. You can also contact us by phone at: 1-800-28-11-28 or leave details in the table below and a representative on our behalf will get back to you soon.